Horsepower Stud Feed has been designed for broodmares, foals, weanlings, yearlings and spelling horses. It is a low grain feed containing high quality protein, essential amino acids, trace elements and minerals.

Ingredients include Millrun, barley, canola, lime, salt, canola oil, molasses flavouring, zeolite, Vitamin E premix and Horsepower premix formulated to provide essential minerals, trace elements and vitamins for stud horses.

Experience shows that low grain diets, in association with high levels of copper, other minerals, trace elements and high quality protein as found in Horsepower Stud Feed reduces the incidence of developmental joint diseases such as Epiphystis and OCD. The result instead, is a greater percentage of foals developing into well grown, well conformed, sound athletic youngsters.

More information can be found here in the Stud Feed brochure

Analysis per kg

Energy 12.3 MJ Iron 335 mg Vitamin B1 Thiamine 24 mg
Crude Protein 16 % Zinc 285 mg Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin   4 mg
Lysine 0.7 % Copper 80 mg Vitamin B3 – Niacin 230 mg
Calcium 1.5 % Manganese 345 mg B5 – Pantothenic Acid 14 mg
Phosphorus 0.8 % Iodine 1.0 mg Vitamin B6 – Pyridoxine 10 mg
Potassium 0.8 % Cobalt 2.1 mg Folic Acid 1040 mcg
Sodium 0.4 % Selenium 1.4 mg Biotin 605 mcg
Magnesium 0.4 % Vitamin A 6330 IU Choline 1480 mg
Added Salt 9.0 g Vitamin E 100 mg Crude Fat 4.1 %
Sulphur 2.1 g Vitamin D3 1000 IU Zeolite 1.0 %

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*Hay (meadow, clover or lucerne) or pasture ad-lib to be included in all diets. To find out more about the importance of roughage in a horse’s diet click here

Horsepower Stud Feed is a combination of high quality protein meals and grains selected from soybean, canola, barley, bran pollard, sorghum, cottonseed, and hominy, with added lime, salt, dehydrated molasses, zeolite, vitamin E and a Horsepower Premix providing trace elements, minerals, and vitamins.

Available in 20 kg bags, bulka bags and bulk

Quality Equine Nutritional Products Toll Free 1800 681 117